Wednesday, May 4, 2016

5 Complex Images

1. An impossibly large person interacting with his/her surroundings
I chose to show my baby cousin for my large person. I thought it would be funny to have her screaming and have the scene as if it were from King Kong.
 2. Insert yourself into a historical photograph.
I don't really know if this is a "famous" historical image, but I thought it would be neat to insert myself into it. This was from the 1920s when women were starting to show off their ankles.
3.  A person demonstrating an impossible feat of strength/superpower.
Honestly if I could be anything in the world I would be a wizard. I would love to be able to go to Hogwarts and get sorted into my own house (Ravenclaw) and use magic! I would like to think an owl is my patronus because it is my favorite animal!
 4. An impossibly small person interacting with his/her surroundings.
I actually find this one particularly hilarious because my sister is being depicted as a "tiny" person. In reality she is 16 years old and 6 feet tall.
 5. A friend or family member flying through the air somewhere on campus OR levitating off the ground while completing a task.

If you ever meet my dog, Vada, you will quickly understand how hyper she is. This picture is funny because if she could do whatever she wanted, this is how it would end up.