Wednesday, May 4, 2016

5 Complex Images

1. An impossibly large person interacting with his/her surroundings
I chose to show my baby cousin for my large person. I thought it would be funny to have her screaming and have the scene as if it were from King Kong.
 2. Insert yourself into a historical photograph.
I don't really know if this is a "famous" historical image, but I thought it would be neat to insert myself into it. This was from the 1920s when women were starting to show off their ankles.
3.  A person demonstrating an impossible feat of strength/superpower.
Honestly if I could be anything in the world I would be a wizard. I would love to be able to go to Hogwarts and get sorted into my own house (Ravenclaw) and use magic! I would like to think an owl is my patronus because it is my favorite animal!
 4. An impossibly small person interacting with his/her surroundings.
I actually find this one particularly hilarious because my sister is being depicted as a "tiny" person. In reality she is 16 years old and 6 feet tall.
 5. A friend or family member flying through the air somewhere on campus OR levitating off the ground while completing a task.

If you ever meet my dog, Vada, you will quickly understand how hyper she is. This picture is funny because if she could do whatever she wanted, this is how it would end up.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Invisibles

For starters, this was definitely the hardest assignment we have had all semester. It was very difficult, but I tried my hardest. Sorry in advance if it looks crappy! :\
I thought it would be cool to have someone playing tennis as an invisible. I think it might've looked better with a regular T-shirt rather than hoodie. The racket floating in the air looks pretty neat. The hardest part of this was the sleeve to the right. It was very hard to remodel it after taking out his hand.

I also liked the idea of having someone in a bathing suit with a floatie, sunglasses, and sandals. I thought it would look cool with the person wearing the floatie, but it was very hard to cut out skin and you couldn't really see the actual bathing suit. The hardest part of this was the sunglasses and the sandals. It might've looked better with the person by the pool but it was 50 degree weather so that wouldn't have worked too well.

I literally took this picture and her friend last night. I think with them having their shirts hanging off their shoulder gave me a little more of a challenge. It was also the hardest part of making them invisible.

Monday, April 4, 2016

The Walking Dead :(

Okay, so The Walking Dead season 6 finale was last night and I could not be more devastated. The entire 90 minutes (that WASN'T commercials) was intense. I was shaking because I was so nervous. And OF COURSE AMC left us with one of the biggest cliffhangers of TV history, ranking up to John Snow. I literally got blue balls from watching that episode. So now I have to wait SEVEN MONTHS to find it out. I will be halfway though my FALL SEMESTER. Anyways, I wanted to show some memes that totally describe last night's episode.


Monday, March 21, 2016

Pixel Characters

This is my Pixel avatar. I'm wearing a green shirt because green is my favorite color.

This is my boyfriend, Drew. He is wearing basically what he wears every day lol

Saturday, March 12, 2016


There are 4 clones in this picture. I wanted them to look like they are playing on a playground. One girl is running to the slide, two are waiting to slide, and one has just finished sliding. I thought there was a little too much green and yellow in the picture so I fixed them to have more blue and red.

There are 4 clones in this picture. Three are playing "monkey in the middle" and the other is playing in a puddle. I adjusted the colors to be more blue and yellow.

There are 3 clones in this picture. One is cheering because he won a game on the Wii, one is mad because he lost, and the other is laughing and clapping watching the other two play. The colors were pretty well balanced. I made sure to bring out the shadows on there feet where the light shines from the left.

Monday, February 22, 2016

First Clone Assignment

This is my first clone assignment. It is of my grandfather. I made them interact by putting one on the computer, one flipping through the channels with the remote, and one laying on the couch watching TV. All of my colors blended pretty good. I see all colors (blue, red, green, and yellow) Instead of the lasso effect, I used the eraser to erase out any parts of the clones that might have shown through the other clone. I think that I did very good on this piece.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Good and Bad Cloned Images

I think this cloned image is very bad. Some of the edges of the man are feathered way too much. They could've done a better job with the lighting and the shadows.

This cloned image is very good because the contrast between the colors fit very nicely. He is very well blended with the background.

This image of clones is very, very bad. The dude on the very far right is way too blurry. The guy doesn't match his background very good at all.

This is the best clone image I could find. The lighting and the shadows match perfectly. They are all interacting in a very neat way. This person obviously took time into this photo.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Assignment 1-My 5 Collages

Yes, you see this picture right. My grandfather gave me the idea that I should have a "Colorado" courtroom(because marijuana is legal there) where Willie Nelson, the king of smoking marijuana, should be the judge. I also decided to crop in some big marijuana activists in the picture as well. You will find Seth Rogen, Miley Cyrus, Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa, and Bob Marley in the picture. I started with Willie Nelson as the judge. Obviously Willie isn't a judge so I had to crop his face on a judge's body, who originally had a thumbs down so I had to change that. Next I cropped everyone else and made them look like they were actually sitting in the chairs. The last thing I did was put smoke over the entire picture and turned the opacity down.

This is one that I posted the other day. I made it to depict that society worships people like Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Kanye West, Kim Kardashian more than they should. These people are not role models to me. I cropped all of their faces using the lasso tool. I sized them and changed their perspective so they would match the presidents. I saturated them to make them the color of the rock. I blurred and smudged them to blend in with the rock.

I got the idea for this one from a painting I saw of Kristen Bell as Anna from Frozen. I thought it would be neat to show the voices behind the characters as the character they play. Idina Menzel is Elsa, Kristen Bell is Anna, Tom Hanks is Woody, Tim Allen is Buzz Lightyear, John Goodman is Sulley, Robin Williams is Genie, and Mandy Moore is Rapunzel. I used the lasso tool to crop their faces and sized them to match the characters. I used the hue-saturation and color tools to make them the colors of their characters. I used the smudge tool to blend them to their characters.

This is my favorite picture by far. The little girl looks like my little cousin, so I thought it would be neat to do something with her. I have her sitting on the moon blowing "bubbles" that are the planets in their order from the son. (Yes, I know it would've made more sense to have her sitting on the sun, but that's just unrealistic) ;) I used stars as my background and cropped the moon, the girl, and the planets using the magic wand tool. On the planet mercury, I smudged it into the bubble wand to show it the girl blowing it. I used brightness and contrast to make the colors seem like they belonged.

Everyone knows the saying "it's raining cats and dogs." I wanted to actually make that idea come to life. I cropped all of the animals into the picture. I added noise to the background picture and each individual picture to make it look like rain.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Mount Rushmore--well, sort of

This is my first collage. I wanted to show how society seems to "praise" celebrities who shouldn't be. From left to right the picture shows Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Kanye West, and Kim Kardashian. All of these people are celebrities that I don't see as role models in my own eyes. The first thing I did was use the lasso effect to crop out their faces. I copied and pasted their faces onto the original Mount Rushmore picture. I saturated all of the faces to make the rock effect. I then used the burn tool to darken the shadows to look as though the faces were actually carved. I used the smudge tool to blend the celebrities' faces with the presidents' faces.

Monday, February 1, 2016

First Collage

This is how I decided to do my collage. It kind of looks like the rocket and car are about to crash while they are landing on the moon that has robots and raggedy Anne dolls.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Moon and Rocket

This is my moon and rocket image that we worked on in class. Unlike Jason, I decided to make my rocket look like it was landing on the moon.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

My Collage Images

I chose the school hallway because I thought that a school was one of the best choices to collage stuff into. I like the whole theme of putting cartoons into the collage so I thought for this one I could put Disney characters like they're actually in school.

Many cartoon characters travel through the woods in some part of the movie/show. I thought it would be neat to show them in the "real" woods.

Who would have ever thought that Disney villains could have fun? For this picture, I plan to have them enjoying this roller coaster ride.

I went to New York over Thanksgiving break and it was the most beautiful place. And what is New York without crime? I'd like to put superheroes all around and maybe have King Kong on the Empire State Building.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


This is my best friend Trystan. In a month from today, it will be 2 years since she passed away due to a car accident. We had been basically best friends since the day I was born. Her sister Teagan and I were born on the same day, May 12, 1996. Trystan was a year older than us. I always went over to their house to hang out with them. Trystan and I grew closer when we were in high school. We hung out just about every day. We cheered together and were in band together. My cousin and her cousin have 2 babies together, so our 2 families became one. Trystan was the most outspoken person I have ever met. If you knew her, you would know just how crazy she was. She will forever remain in my heart until I see her again.
This is my very first tattoo. If you didn't notice, it is a Harry Potter quote. Trystan shared the same love for Harry Potter as I did. The blue bird is the symbol that Trystan's grandmother gave her when she passed away. Whenever I see a blue bird I know that she is letting me know that she is alright.

Friday, January 15, 2016


This video was the very first video I ever watched on YouTube. I found it very hilarious and it fit well with my love for Harry Potter. To this day I can still recite the whole thing.

Click HERE to check out all of my Pinterest boards!

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Hi, my name is Hannah Bridges. I am a junior at Bethel University. I am from Trenton, Tennessee. I am an art major and double minoring in physics and pre engineering. I want to be an architect when I graduate. I love to draw. I am taking this course to learn how to play around with certain programs and to learn how to be better at animation.